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Monday, November 12, 2007

Let's make it bigger

You are tired of this SOMETHING enlargment programm every day comming to your email? I'm too. Especially, because I know how to make an organ bigger without a chemicals. It is easy then ever, you just need one tool: Photoshop!

Give Someone A Big Nose

Using that free video guide you will know how to quickly and easily give someone a big nose using Adobe Photoshop. Wish you luck, in your enlargement experiments!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Matrix Style Photos

Ok, I've not been writting for number of month, due some problems with my wife. She got in a car accident in end of summer, and only few days ago returned back from a hospital. So, I haven't got a spare minute to look through new style changing technologies.
But now I'm back, and I'm bad! I missed writting so much, so today I present you a perfect guide to creating matrix-like photos

CREATING MATRIX STYLE PHOTOS! - The most amazing videos are a click away